Financial Planning

Financial Planning

We have been making some exciting changes to our financial planning over the last few months. Our new financial planning company is George St Planning Services Pty Ltd. Robert Farr and George St Planning Services Pty Ltd are now authorised representatives of AVALONfs Pty Ltd AFSL 437518.

What do these changes mean for you? Essentially nothing has changed for existing clients as your adviser's have not changed nor have any of your investments or fees. However going forward you will notice that all correspondence will now come from George St Planning Services Pty Ltd. You would have received a letter from our office outlining these changes.

If you would like to discuss any of your financial planning needs please contact our office on 9987 4077 or


George St Planning Services Pty Ltd and Robert Farr are authorised representatives of AVALONfs Pty Ltd AFSL 437518.

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